UGC ThanksGaming Recap
What a gaming event it was! I thought some of the embedded scores would be impossible to take down, but the crew stepped up to the challenge and made me work to keep my money! The highlights are as follows:
Lee takes 2 wins to be the clear champ of the evening. He had 4, but the rest of the crew fought hard to knock him out of position. His score on Cosmic Smash put the rest of us to shame. Unsurprisingly, he also dominated TRON.
Matin went nuclear on X-Men vs. Street Fighter and won that game by beating it with one quarter!
Michele obliterated a hard-earned score on Joust with ease. This will be a tough one to beat in future gatherings!
It was a tight race for Tony Hawk 2x, with scores being topped every few minutes, but Vince stepped in near the end and took a commanding lead.
Another white knuckle game, Carlos snuck in the top score on Hydro Thunder near the end of the competition. Then immediately trash-talked Naeem!
I had to keep from paying out too much money and recouped the scores on Ganryu and Darius Plus from Naeem, as well as Centipede from Lee. The crew did not make this easy!
Black is embedded scores not beaten, Red is players who toppled the scores and Green is me taking scores back for a house win.
There will be a new event soon at the UGC Holiday Party coming next month. Stay tuned!